Searching all stock for "path":

USA (1 file)

Photos of places in the United States of America
IMG 4258 
 Passageway next to St Louis cathedral, New Orleans, USA 
 Keywords: path,passageway,street,cathedral,side,buildings,stone,New Orleans,St Louis,cathedral,USA

Wildlife (5 files)

Photos of wild life
IMG 0287 
 Greylag goose in sun 
 Keywords: goose,greylag,bird,wildlife,fauna,nature,grey,preening,standing,wing,path
IMG 0289 
 Greylag goose standing on one leg 
 Keywords: goose,greylag,bird,wildlife,fauna,nature,grey,standing,path
IMG 0290 
 Greylag goose preening on path 
 Keywords: goose,greylag,bird,wildlife,fauna,nature,grey,preening,standing,wing,path
IMG 0291 
 Greylag goose standing on path 
 Keywords: goose,greylag,bird,wildlife,fauna,nature,grey,standing,preening,path
IMG 0307 
 Shelduck walking on path 
 Keywords: shelduck,duck,bird,wildlife,fauna,nature,walking,path,black,white,red,brown

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